Adding Voice to Voice of the Customer

SPEEQO uses AI-driven speech analysis software to recognise the true message and emotion in your customers' voices when interacting with you.

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Voice of Customer.


The survival of a business depends on whether it can fulfil the customer's needs. It all starts with understanding their perception of your business, identifying trends they like, and giving them what they want.

With SPEEQO's speech analysis, natural language processing and emotion recognition capabilities, you can quickly get qualitative insights into your customers' needs and sentiments accurately.

How it works

Lending a listening ear when you need it.

Listen Icon


Speech is one of the most important indicators of mental health. SPEEQO listens to multiple audio inputs of spontaneous speech and reading assignments to identify patterns.

Understand Icon


SPEEQO will catalogue changes in speech patterns that may be a sign of underlying mental health issues(ex.- monotone speech, absolutist words, negative words, long pauses, too many first-person pronouns)

Analyse Icon


Using advanced speech analysis and voice-based machine learning, SPEEQO assigns a personalised mood score and preselects potentially at-risk students, providing in-depth insights alongside manual screening
and assessment tools already present in schools.

How it works

Lending a listening ear when you need it.

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SPEEQO decodes the spoken and written interactions you have with your customers.


The in-built AI feature analyses what your customers are saying and how they are saying it, providing you with insights into how they really feel.

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SPEEQO Logo Symbol Full Colour


Empowered with a wealth of knowledge and insights, you can easily shape customer-centric strategies that adapt to their needs and sentiments to enhance satisfaction.

Choose A VoC Analysis Model That Works For You

From audio signal analysis to written text, you can choose a SPEEQO Voice of the Customer analysis package that best serves your needs.

Voice and Text Packages
Customer Interviews

Recorded Call Data

Focus Groups
Text Packages

Feedback Forms

Online Customer Reviews

Online Customer Surveys

Experience the Power of Our AI Solution - Try It  FREE Today!

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